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Casey Tech School
Inspiring students and engaging schools to invest in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics) skills highly valued by industry and community opening up exciting opportunities.Partner secondary schools are welcomed into our flexible learning spaces to take part in innovative programs developed by facilitators with a broad range of expertise. We open up a world of future possibilities allowing young people to design and create using technologies leading to more informed educational choices going forward. Programs and support for teachers and schools are provided free to schools including transport.
Casey Tech School is funded by the Victorian Department of Education and hosted by Chisholm Institute on the Berwick campus.
Our Vision
STEAM learning is fun, hands-on, rewarding and builds skills for lifeOur Mission
To engage and inspire all learners in the Casey region to invest in highly valued STEAM skills and capabilities.To lead partner schools in contemporary STEAM education, extending their capability to apply curriculum in a real-life context.
To connect and empower young people to make informed decisions about their learning journey, education and training.
To foster the discovery of pathways, enabled by STEAM, for diverse workplaces.